Sponsor LOVE: Welcome Venetian Decor!

Once again, we are thrilled to have Pam of Venetian Decor a cupcakeMAG Sponsor! Meet Pam, or get to know her once again! We absolutely love her beautiful work and adore her.

Pamela Beattie was born during the heyday of flower power and peace and love in Vancouver, BC. She grew up to appreciate the aesthetic side of life.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the family tree, as history repeats itself in this, the third generation of milliners, furriers & shop owners. With a heritage steeped in fashion it seemed to magically inspire Pamela’s creativity to re-purpose previously loved family heirloom fur coats, into functional pieces for today’s savvy style conscious home designers. Take one part repurposed fur, one part reproduction French furniture or vintage French furniture and style it into an iconic eye-candy masterpiece for the homeowners’ lair.

It seemed that her life to date now allows her to appreciate her abilities to see beyond the individuality of pieces, that combined, offer high fashion design items perfect for people with a keen eye for the artistic offerings.

When Pamela was growing up, her father worked at the local mill, while her mother opened and operated a hair salon and later a ceramics studio. It would seem that there was no rhyme or reason that her parents’ careers should instill in her the creative genes that would ultimately come to fruition with the passing of time.

After high school graduation and with further training at the National Institute of Cosmetics, Pamela put those skills to work at a major retail chain for ten years.

During that time she met and married her current husband and moved to Pemberton BC where she and Dale have been raising their three children along with Ebony, their nine year old Golden Labrador Retriever.

In addition to her designing aspirations, she’s a well rounded wealth of how to’s in the house. A mini Martha we might say, as she excels at sewing, gardening, canning fruits, pickles and jams, and cooking her favourite roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. Her kids particularly enjoy her home made pizza – no ordering in for this group.

Pamela also had the great fortune of working under the guided influence of a senior upholsterer, where she learned under his tutelage, the mastery of finishing a piece of furniture to ensure it was transformed with the highest integrity. It was this experience that enabled her to think outside the box and incorporate more personal designs into what would otherwise simply be a typical piece.

And while the only thing constant in life is change, with her family growing up before her eyes, it seemed that the time was ripe for her to challenge her designer within, hence the launch of VENETION DÉCOR®, Old world with a new twist.®

Since opening VENETIAN DÉCOR®, a luxury specialty line of repurposed high fashion leather and fur materials, Pamela has been seen at Interior Design Shows and her fabulous fur offerings have been the focus of magazines and news articles internationally.

Her line consists of individually crafted pieces consisting of fine Italian leathers and vintage fur, embellished with silk, etchings, vintage rhinestones and brooches.

Some of her inspiration comes from designing products from cast off wood moldings, wooden doors and window frames from old homes. It’s all about the three R’s for this creative cutie.

Her motto is simply “DARE TO DREAM” and she seems to have accomplished that. Hard not to be inspired while her homes sits high atop a hill in Pemberton with a stunning view of mountains and grazing horses in the custom built home by her husband for the family. It seems creativity runs through this clan.

Stay tuned also for items particularly designed for brides and newborns to ensure those events are marked forever with mementos designed by VENETIAN DÉCOR®.

It seems there is nothing Ms. Beattie can’t do, and she has big plans for both her future and the future of Venetian Décor®.

Her web-site can be found at www.venetiandecor.ca and you can LIKE Venetian Décor® on Facebook too!



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