Well cupcakes – it is finally here! The day we have waited oh-so-long for – our brand new cupcakeMAG site! Ahh, I wish I could just sit here and browse it but, I have lots of work to do! (I also had to get some serious sleep after working non-stop for 36 hours Monday to get it up!) Anyway – I just wanted to take a minute to introduce you to some new features. Check out our new logos too! How FABulous right?
So first things first — we’ve gotten a few emails and yes, you can click on all those little orange words above to navigate around the site……and once you do, you can view any of the categories from the right hand side of the sidebar – just scroll them all and click away! From now on when you come to our home page you will see “Happening Now” – those are all of our latest post so you may have to wait a minute to watch the slide show that shows are ten latest post or just click SEE ALL under the original cupcakeMAG – same goes for cupcakeMAG for Littles. By selecting see all you will automatically view our latest post first. Want to make sure you never miss a thing? Just sign up for your Daily Fix to get updates right to your inbox. You can do this by heading to our home page and entering your email in the purple box on the right hand side of the sidebar. This will guarantee you won’t miss a single delicious moment!
A few new faves……what’s new, what’s to come & all the updates!
Sweet Shoppe: From FABulous parties to cupcakes to little pretties we can’t live without! You can find all of our favorites here! We are still working on pulling things together so, check back often.
Reading Corner: (still working on things here) it is a place where you can find all of our favorite must-read titles that have received the cupcakeMAG stamp of approval! cupcakeMAG Book Club coming soon!
Press + Love: This really got a make-over! We blush over the love we receive & are so very thankful for it all. We LOVE you back! From LaunchHER, Mommyhood to Hollywood, Pizzazzerie to the love we receive from celebs & all the FABulous cupcakes we work with – we just LOVE you all back!
cupcakeMAG styles: We now offer virtual styling services! Always wanted a personal stylist but can’t afford one? cupcakeMAG has got you covered! We can thank our readers for inspiring us to put our styling skills to work and now offer many different options for all different budgets. We offer a full-virtual makeover to a la carte services for our clients. Fashion dilemma? Full wardrobe makeover? We can help! Even in the home too! Office needs an update? Sick of your paint color? Call on us to make it oh-so-stylish. Get all the details here! Stay tuned, this week we will be giving you a special LAUNCH price and Khloe Kardashian will be giving away our Virtual Red Carpet Package on her blog!
Staff Picks: Coming soon! A place where our staff shares everything they just can’t livwithout – our obsessions!
Meet the Team : Meet & greet! All of my FABulous ladies are in one place. My assistant is making her debut too! And, I finally got a new headshot thanks to the oh-so-lovely, Kim Flores. More on how fabulous she is later! Until then, check us out! Couldn’t do it without such an amazing team!
Editors Corner: Editors’ Picks and monthly notes will now all be in one place! You can get to know me a little better too.
Giveaways: All giveaways will now be listed on ALL post pages in the sidebar. Never miss a chance to win something FABulous!
Pets (can’t forget our furry friends!), Pin It & cupcakeMAG home are all things we are working on too!
Whew, hope I didn’t forget anything! Over the next week we will be organizing a few things so please, bear with us. It was quite a transition and we are working on getting things in the right categories, places, etc.
Lastly, I just need to take minute to give a BIG HUGE CUPCAKE THANK YOU to the amazing Susie of Zee Studios. Our new site rocks right? Well, we can thank her for pulling an all-nighter to make sure our launch went smoothly. See, I told she rocks. Susie was a doll to work with and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without her. Thank you Susie for getting our vision and making it come to life. We are ever so grateful for the beautiful site you have created. Our readers can thank YOU!
Of course, big thanks to my cupcakes – Kate, Lauren, Tiff & Kim – you ladies know how much I love and adore you. Thank you for everything you do for cupcakeMAG.. And to all of our sponsors – we are so thankful for your support and are thrilled to have you. Thank you!
So tell us – what do you love about the new & approved cupcakeMAG? Or, what do you miss from the old site? Let us know! After all, you are the reason we are here! We love our readers so much. Please do us a favorite and leave a comment! We want your feedback.
Okay, I guess I should stop blah-blah-blah-ing now so you can go browse around!
Lots of love cupcakes!
the main cupcake
Need a place to advertise? Check out the amazing benefits of being a sponsor on the advertise page. Only a few spots left at our special launch price!

Congrats ~ you’re site looks great!! It’s a lot of work we know – because we just did the same!! Happy Launch week!
Best wishes ~ Chris Ann & Kristin