The Patchery

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Hi everyone. I’m Amber, wife to the smartest person on the planet, mom to 2 creative & curious kids and founder of The Patchery, a design-your-own kids clothing store. Before I tell you more about The Patchery, let me make a confession. My life is the complete opposite of those beautiful Instagram feeds that we all browse with lust and longing. We live a messy, loud, chaotic life. My house isn’t clean enough. My furniture isn’t modern enough. My wardrobe isn’t trendy enough. And my kids are never styled enough. Not much about about the aesthetics of our life is Instagram-worthy. But you know what? Perfection isn’t the goal…being happy with who we are as a family is.

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And this folks, is what The Patchery is all about. It’s about encouraging our kids to be like themselves, not like everyone else. It’s about building self-confidence through self-expression. It’s about seeing the perfection in everything that is imperfect. It’s about letting our kids be kids.

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So the next time you have a bit of time, sit down with your kid and let them design an outfit. In about 10 minutes you can pick a style, mix and match fabrics and design a piece of clothing together. Then we’ll handcraft it just for you right here in Minnesota, USA. In a few weeks, you’ll have a 1-of-a kind outfit delivered to your door and you’ll get to see the pride on your child’s face when they say, “I made this!”

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Oh, and by the way, we hear that moms, grandmas, aunts and friends love designing something special for the littles in their life!

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