Storytelling Your Brand

Office Space

As I mentioned in my last post, storytelling is an important component of your brand, who you are, and is especially important when pitching for partnerships and opportunities. When it comes to pitching or simply telling someone your elevator pitch, you want a compelling story that resonates with people, but also encapsulates your brand.  When you’re pitching for an opportunity, you want to keep several things in mind:

  • What is a good story about your brand? Identify 5 ways or angles to tell this story. For example, if I’m pitching stories about the perks of vintage shopping I can pitch the following angles: up-cycling, cost effective, quality made garments, reducing carbon footprint/green fashion, building a unique wardrobe. 
  • Help the brand visualize your idea/concept. Pictures, mood boards and the like help bring your story to life. You have a clear vision of what you’d like do; mood boards help other see and understand your vision. 
  • Think about the calendar. Again, be cognizant of editorial and event schedules and plan ahead. 
  • Be ready to act! If you’re pitching an opportunity, then be ready to get going if the brand responds and is ready to roll!

I work with many entrepreneurs who are the face of their brand, or are running a business in addition to their traditional 9-to-5.  My recommendation if you’re in a similar situation is to pitch yourself- in addition to your brand!  You should create a niche for your brand and be an expert in your field.  Are you an IKEA hacking ninja, a shoe DIYer, or a women’s collective even organizer? Offer your tips and strategies related to your expertise and your brand.  This two-pronged approach helps put you at the top of your industry.

This three-part series concludes my tips for developing your brand, pitching and storytelling.  In my upcoming series, I’ll be tackling digital marketing topics from Instagram to Email.

xx Annette

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