Pumpkin Carving and Decorating

This session my daughter and I went a little crazy and bought a ton of pumpkins.  We found so many cute ways to decorate them online, and just had to try a bunch out!  Here are some great ways to decorate your pumpkins both with carving them and then better yet, non-carving ideas!


The eye ball pumpkin!  Love this one!  This works better on a white pumpkin.  Get your white, red, green and black paint, some brushes and away you go!


Crayon melting pumpkin.  Can’t wait to try this one!  You need another white pumpkin for this one to see the colors at their brightest!  Cut crayons in half and glue to the top of the pumpkin, then with a hair dryer melt all the crayons!  Voila!  A pumpkin work of art!


I love this one and you can create any kind of scene in there…spiders, ghosts, even dinosaurs!  Just carve out the rectangle in the front, use bamboo skewers or any sort of thin stick for the cell bars, and a candle or pumpkin light for inside!  Love ti!


COOKIE MONSTER!!!  This one is too cute. Would be great for a halloween party!  You can spray paint the pumpkin blue – make sure to get glossy spray paint, it looks better then matte on the pumpkin!


This one is such a great idea to make super fancy looking pumpkins with ease!  I never thought to use a drill before. Love it!


Awwww, Mickey Mouse!  Minnie would be cute too!  Love this one and there’s no carving involved!  Just some spray painting and glueing.


The mummy pumpkin…..scarey!!! And incredibly easy with some gauze bandages and some big goggly eyes glued on.  Quick, fun and spooky!

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