My Favorite Kid’s Christmas Books

My 6 year old daughter and I love to read Christmas books during the holidays. Over the years we have collected many of them, and read them again and again throughout December.  If you have Amazon Prime, you have plenty of time to get some of these and enjoy before Christmas gets here.  Here are some of my favorites I think you’ll enjoy!

Deck the Halls is basically the lyrics of the song to Norman Rockwell pictures.  My daughter has loved this book since she was a baby.


My cousin introduced us to Jan Brett’s books.  Her Christmas books are so lovely.  One winter when it was too cold to go outdoors, we sat by the fire and read an entire collection of them.  I promise these will become family favorites!  Snowy Treasury has a collection of Jan Brett Holiday stories you’ll love.

jan brett snowy treasurey

Another family favorite and one that always makes my daughter laugh out loud.  Leave it to Olivia to get into Christmas antics!  You’ll love Olivia Helps With Christmas.


An Otis Christmas is such a sweet story about Otis the Tractor and how he helps with the birth of a colt on Christmas Eve.  It reminds us that Christmas is about a lot more then getting toys!


This makes my daughter laugh so hard and I end up reading it to her about 5 times before I insist we move on!  She just can’t get enough of adorable Fuddles!  A Very Fuddles Christmas is a crowd pleaser for sure!


The Sweet Smell of Christmas  was my absolute FAVORITE Christmas book as a kid.  It’s a scratch and sniff book and I remember my mom reading it to me again and again.  I still have my old copy, but bought a new one for my daughter since with fresh scratch and sniff stickers in it!  She loves it just like I did!  And your little ones will too!

smell of christmas

You can’t NOT have How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  It’s just the best.  Need I say more?

grinch stole

I could seriously go on and on listing books here but I’ll end with Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia.  Another super funny book always making us laugh!

amelia bedilia

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