Meet Casi


Founder, Editor & Fairy God Mother to Small Biz

As if being the ringleader of five children isn’t enough to leave Washington, DC-based stylist Casi Densmore entirely tapped, she’s also the endlessly effervescent founder of fashioncentric website cupcakeMAG, contributor to and a blogger at parent-approved online mag Disney’s and Disney Baby. Casi has the expertise of a mom and the taste of an editor. Casi is a social influencer with a large celebrity fan base.  Casi is known as the Fairy God Mother to Small Business as she is passionate about spreading love and knowledge to the creative creative entrepreneur. Casi, a lifestyle expert who has been blogging for six years was interviewed and named Momprenuer of the Month by Tori Spelling. Casi’s work has been published on Yahoo! Shine, Huffington Post, Disney, Today’s Parent magazine and she was spotted on Good Morning America.



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