Happy Monday!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend and Father’s Day!!! I hope you all took a moment to call your dad or if you were one of the lucky ones who got to spend it with your dad, gave him an extra squeeze!!! They deserve it!!!
So, I don’t know about you but I have a hard time just checking out completely from my fall and winter accessories in the summer. Summer is by far my favorite time of year but Fall is by far my favorite time of year for fashion! So I thought to myself, who says these pieces can’t work year round? As long as you style them correctly! I decided to put a black summer dress to good use and pair it with my darker accessories to give me the perfect summer evening date look. It turned out very classy and sophisticated but still cool enough to wear in the summer and I loved it! So pull out those favorite pair of booties or your favorite thin scarf and wear it with confidence!
Photos by Jennifer Boles Photography
Dress: Spiegel // Booties: (similar, similar) // Necklace: Pretty Southern // Scarf:Subtle Luxury // Hand Bag: Lily Jade