Featured Blogger: Amy Morrison Pregnant Chicken

From the Desk of | Shannon | Lifestyle + Fashion Contributor
Hi cupcakes! So thrilled to be on the cupcakeMAG team with all the great things going on. Even more excited to be sharing my first post! Meet our latest Featured Blogger, Amy Morrison from Pregnant Chicken. 

1. What is your name, age, home town, and current town.

Amy Morrison, 40…no wait…..41, Toronto Canada is both my home and current town.

2. When did you decide you wanted to start a blog and how did you come up with the name?

When I was pregnant I googled everything to make sure I was doing the right thing and always came away more confused and inevitably scared about something else. So after my two pregnancies I decided I would start a blog that covered all these pregnancy hazards but without the judgment, hysteria and “to be on the safe side” and just cover the all the facts I could find. The name just speaks to how nervous I was when I was pregnant – I was a chicken, a pregnant chicken.

3. What is your favorite thing to write about?

Anything that makes women feels better about their instincts and their bodies. Somewhere along the way, someone decided that pregnant women needed a lot of intervention – both mentally and physically – and I think that needs to be dialed down a bit.

 4. When you aren’t writing what might you be doing on a typical day of the week?

If I’m not writing I can guarantee that I am working on a design job, hanging out with my kids or watching Ghost Hunters with my husband. I also have to go to the grocery store at least 40 times a day too.

{how funny is Amy?}

 5. Are there any hot spots in your hometown or current town you’d like to share?

Are you kidding? I am the last damn person on the planet that would know where the hot spots are right now. The other day I got excited when I came across a bulk store that I hadn’t noticed before. Perhaps it’s a club at night, who knows.

6. What’s something you think about when you’re down that keeps you cheery?

I think about how lucky I am to have such a great family and how I’m surrounded by so many people who have the same twisted sense of humor as me.That, and cat videos on YouTube can get me out of a funk pretty fast. You have to be dead inside not to laugh at a good cat video.

7. How would you describe your personal style?

I think the term “style” may be a strong one. At this point clean clothes is the bar I reach for everyday but I suppose when I have my act together, I would call it tailored casual.

8. What are five things in your daily life you know you couldn’t live without?

Coffee. My computer. Lip balm. Music. The last one is a toss up between my family and my iPhone. It depends on how either of them is acting that day.

 9. Where do you hope to see you website go?

I would love to see it expand to the point where I could do it full time and maybe even hire a few people to help manage it. I’ve always wanted to employ a statistician so I could say “You. How many woman actually miscarry from eating unpasteurized cheese every year?” or “How many people have been licked to death by puppies?” I have no doubt they would earn their paycheck.

 10. What advice can you give to people hoping to create their own website?

Decide what you truly find interesting then do a website on it. Once you have that figured out then decide what you will and won’t do on it. Will you swear? Will you talk about your kids? Will you use your real name? Then stick to it and don’t let commenter’s bully you out of those decisions – someone will always have a bug up their butt about what you’ve done so just go with your gut. It’s your site after all.

{All Things Pregnant Chicken}
Thanks so much for taking the time to share yourself with cupcakeMAG!
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