Baby fever will almost surely result from today’s feature. You have been warned. There is absolutely nothing sweeter or more peaceful than a sweetly swaddled baby, snoozing away in the warm comfort of the perfect swaddle blanket!
The Ollie World, home of the fabulous Ollie Swaddle, is the product of years of experience with infants and the strong will and love of a woman on a mission. We are so excited to introduce Hindi and her amazing Ollie Swaddle to you today!
My story begins in 2008 when I fell in love with an infant named Oliver. He was handsome, and yet on the verge of being labeled “failure to thrive.” Other foster parents struggled with keeping Oliver because he was difficult, struggling to eat and sleep. But I was in love, and so I began my journey to help Oliver thrive.
My experience in infant mental health had acquainted me with the timeless technique of swaddling. However, to both my and Oliver’s distress, the swaddles available on the market didn’t seem to help. They either didn’t hold him correctly, were not strong enough to apply a comforting pressure, or they left his legs unwrapped. So my mission to help Oliver took a new turn as I searched for a swaddle which would meet all of Oliver’s needs.
The answer finally came when I created a new type of swaddle. One which would move with him through the night, keep a comforting pressure from his shoulders to his feet, and which would help keep him cool. When I started wrapping my little Ollie in the new swaddle, I began to see dramatic changes. He began to sleep through the night, eating and gaining weight. Most importantly, he began to catch up with developmental milestones which he had missed. Ollie began to thrive!
This change led to a happy ending for Ollie. In 2009 he was adopted by a loving family. Since then, I have been working with a great team to develop a quality swaddle which could be shared with families everywhere. This is the swaddle which I am happy to share with you today, The Ollie, named after my little love.
Check out #keepcalmandswaddleon on Instagram and follow The Ollie World for more baby fever inducing pics!
The Ollie Swaddle is the perfect baby shower gift or a gift for a new mom – make sure you head over and grab one today and get 20% off with code Cupcakes&Swaddles when you check out. But – you must hurry! This coupon code is only good through July 3!