cupcakeMAG Loves: Ezra + Eli

We are excited to introduce you to the lovely lady behind Ezra + Eli today! Meet Carah and visit Ezra + Eli for perfect graphic tees for you and your littles!


Ezra + Eli opened shop in December 2013. It was inspired by my love for kids fashion and my amazing two year old son, Ezra Elijah.


Besides getting married, there were two things I was certain I wanted to do. Make babies + start a kids clothing line. Having only sewn maybe 4 times, I knew this would be a challenge. I bought a handful of fabric and a serger. Once the fabric arrived, I designed some patterns, and made my first pair of baby organic cotton leggings. Let’s just say I was in love. That love quickly turned into a business when I listed a few things on Instagram. Next thing I knew, I was spending 8-9 hours a day, everyday, sewing leggings.


Ezra + Eli took off and it’s been the greatest adventure. In May, our family took a much needed break from work and headed to the beach. My husband knew this business was taking a toll on me. While this was a huge blessing, my greatest desire it to be a mom first and foremost and I could see my time be taking away from Ezra more and more each day. This was heart breaking to say the least. I felt defeated and I told my husband James, either I’m giving up this business or I must do something different. My different was a whole new different. Screen-printing shirts. What!?!?! Another thing I knew nothing about. So, we took the plunge…



Ezra + Eli has now become a kids + moms tee shirt company. We design each tee and have them printed locally and we sell them all over the world! Our shirts are designed to stand out, be playful, and give back. We give portions of our sales to charities and kids/families in need. We recently added a new mom’s shirt Best Job Ever. It has been a huge hit for us! We are now in the process of doing our FW14 line and we are thrilled for the months ahead!


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Use discount code CUPCAKE for 10% off through September 30th.

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