
My name is Katie. I am the creator & inventor of BluTaylor™ designs.

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Almost two years ago, I gave birth to my fourth baby, a girl. I have three other children; a 7-year old girl, a 5-year old boy, a 3-year old boy. I get the honor and privilege of staying home with them, including having the opportunity to homeschool them. As any full-time, stay-at-home mom will tell you, it’s a big job but a rewarding one! However, I’ve always wanted to create something unique, have fun selling it, but be able to continue to stay home with my kids.

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I truly believe that God heard my cry for creativity and my cry as a stay-at-home mom for a glimpse of something new and exciting. After my youngest was born, I sat down with her and like all newborn babies occasionally do, she threw up. In this case, UP into her hat, the normal-plain-generic hospital hat. It was the only thing that fit her tiny head. I tried different hats on her but they sat so strange on her head so I became a mom with a mission!

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After tweaking the designs, both the Vintage ruffle and the Classic bow, BluTaylor™ designs was born!! It was an exciting moment to realize I had created a product that was authentically unique! Our Patent Pending designs are lightweight and comfortable. They provide coverage for their delicate ears while staying up out of their eyes.

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BluTaylor™ is first and foremost a Missional business. We donate mini-versions to current Preemies and Micro-Preemies all around the U.S. We call this our Preemie Program.

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Every BluTaylor™ hat is hand-sewn with care to detail and every detail has a purpose. If you’ve noticed, starting August 2015, BluTaylor™ has began using signature BLUE thread in every hat regardless of the material. This symbolizes the hope that runs through every hat we make. It’s more than just a hat, it’s tailor-made hope….or BluTaylor™.

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As a “mom-preneur” and a woman of the most creative God, I encourage you to be creative. Creativity brings such a sweet refreshment. It brings ownership and excitement. BluTaylor™ designs has brought that to my life and I’m so grateful for the support. We’ve been growing for the last two years and I cannot wait to share more BluTaylor™ designs with you all in the future!

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1 Comment

  1. Jana

    Can u share how these cute baby hats are made ?

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