Earlier this month, I wrote about the importance of Branding Your Business. Knowing your brand and staying true to it ensures that you’ll have an engaging relationship with your customers and will help you pitch yourself for partnerships and collaborations. When it comes to pitching to brands, branding is just as important! For example, if your blog focuses on affordable fashion then it’s not on brand to pitch to a luxury or expensive brand right? These are the 5 Things to Know Before Pitching:
- What is the brand currently doing and what could you do that’s different?
- Who is the brand’s core audience?
- What are the brand’s goals and can you help them achieve their goals?
- What is your time worth?
- Your stats.
Now that you’ve answered these questions, there are some important pointers to keep in mind when it comes to the pitch itself!
- Make your pitch relevant. If it’s 2 weeks from Coachella and you want to do a Coachella related post, then it’s too late! Timing is everything.
- Pitch to brands that are the right fit for you. This goes back to the point above. Focus in on the brands that are an organic or natural fit for your brand.
- Don’t overdo the pitch or make false promises. Don’t pitch to Chanel and tell them you’re going to elevate them to a luxury brand! Be realistic and honest about the story you’d like to tell.
- Spell Check x 3. The number of grammatical and spelling mistakes in pitches I see is disappointing. Review yourself and then have a friend read it too.
- Don’t be a victim of copy & paste! If you’re preparing one pitch for several brands, don’t copy or paste! Make each proposal or pitch unique since no two campaigns are the same.
- ALWAYS follow up with numbers/analytics that show the outcome of the partnership. Once the campaign is over, don’t go MIA! Share the results with the brand. Even if you didn’t great engagement, find out why and share that with the brand.
Kuddos if you’re picking up on some of the storytelling crumbs I’ve been dropping! Pitching is all about storytelling your brand – there are multiple parts and each one is important and helps take you to the next chapter. Next post, I’m going to dive into the essentials of a pitch. Stay tuned!
xx Annette