1108 Boutique (“Eleven {O} Eight”) started with a vision of providing every type of trend-setting & fashion forward accessory lover with a selection at guilt-free prices. Our customers range from carpool moms to fancy aunties that love to show off their status.
1108 Boutique currently offers the latest trends in accessories for women, babies and kids. I started the boutique with the inspiration of my 3 children and husband who I’ve been with now for 23 years (since November 8th aka 1108).
My daughter Valentina Loren who is seen in most of the pictures is my right hand assistant and model. She is the reason I decided to start the business.
Having a girl is so different from having 2 boys. Everything became about pink and sparkle. The Exclusive designs I offer have a piece of mine and my daughter’s style, attitude and truly what we love to do … be “Fancy”.
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Use discount code CUPCAKEMAG20 for 20% off your order!